First Charlotte County 911 Operator Takes New State Exam

CCSO Communications Operator Natasha Booth has become the first to take the new State test for 911 operators from our agency.

According to Communications Administrator Melanie Bailey, “The first 100 question test was given by the State on Feb. 1 in Tallahassee. The tester is required to have an 80% or higher to pass and they are given three hours to take it.

“Natasha had completed our 328 hour Academy program in the middle of it being certified through the State and therefore was required to take the test.

“For the test, Natasha needed to know State Statues, laws regarding 911, Fire/Hazmat information, NIMS/TERT, and historical dates pertaining to 911.

“After extensive studying, she took her test Aug. 29 at the Lee County Sheriff’s Office. I am extremely proud of Natasha being the first operator to take the State test from our agency and passing it on the first try”.





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